Thursday, April 19, 2012

Binary code

 Binary code

      Binary code is a way of representing text, numbers, and instructions in two digits, 1 and 0. It can be done by assigning a binary number to each particular symbol or instruction. So 8 binary digits have 256 combinations, and each combination can be assigned to a symbol, a letter, an instruction or just be taken as a number. For example, the binary code for the letter "A" is 01000001,"B" is 01000010 and "C" is 01000011. So essentially, binary code is translation of a language to ones and zeros.

Why binary code?
Because of the cost, decimal circuits increase the cost exponentially for every digit you have and require much more controlling circuitry, just compare the 100 combinations of decimal system against the 4 combinations that binary has. Also binary is more efficiently. If you have taken a basic electronics course you can understand easily why computers and devices use binary code.

How does it work?
Essentially, 1 means on and 0 means off. A lot of circuits recognize those patterns and send electrical signals, each combination has a different output,  path. The CPU is preprogrammed to understand patterns and how it has to respond. For example there is a pattern to turn on each pixel on a screen with a color, shape and size and that’s how images are displayed on a computer’s screen.

Binary is really useful in today’s world and it has been proven by itself through all the devices that use binary, we can almost say that all devices use binary. This language has transformed the world into a faster, clearer and stronger technologically based society with unlimited possibilities.


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