Thursday, April 19, 2012



Well I learned a lot of stuff in this class, not just about english because I learned a lot about some interesting facts and other cultures. This class helped me a lot to be confident when talking in english, and I really appreciate that. My greatest achievement was to improve speech, because I do not have any ocassion to speak in english, almost never, just on travels or when I meet someone who is not from Costa Rica and does not talk spanish.

In professional matters the course has been so helpful for me, the most useful and complete information is in english and beside that, if I had a doubt or something most good forums are in english so I had to talk with some other people, and they only speak english, at the end english really helped me a lot in most courses.

As it has been really helpful to me, I want other people to at least try to participate in class, indeed I push them to participate so they lose the fear of participating in class. English is really important nowadays for anything, so I am always pushing friends and others to learn english, to do not be afraid of it, and I tell them how english can help them in their professional and personal life. 

Glen Urbina

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