Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reflection of the class

My entrance to this course was really an accident, my speaking, reading and listening skills are really good. As a matter of fact my score was at the limit for English course four. So when I first entered I was really angry and disappointed that I had to take the course. My real goal was to finish the course successfully.
During class I got really bored and saw the exercises as a joke for my level of English and the level the class was supposed to have. With the passing of time I began to see that although I had really good skills I was still missing some elements of the class. Since I was a small kid I have been speaking English freely and naturally, I never paid attention to small grammatical issues or other types of issues. Issues were I think I got better during the course.
At first my commitment was not as big as it should’ve been, the disappointment of not passing the ELASH had eaten my motivation and I was really angry with myself. Even though this happened at the beginning I think that during the course my commitment kept on growing stronger and stronger.
My language issues have gone better, some things such as conjugation and vocabulary grew over the time of the course. I still feel I have to overcome some conjugation errors in things like past participle. I think the course has made me a better person and a better English speaker. I expect to do well on the course. 

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