Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Students profiles

Eric Alejandro Fernandez Rosenthal
Honduran by birth.
Academic preparation: Bilingual American School since kindergarden, two periods of law schools having courses such as; Law Introduction, State Theory, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil obligations, Private Law at ULACIT.
Professional goals and plans: I plan to become a lawyer in approximately 3 years,  when I graduate my goal is to have my own Law Firm.

Glen Urbina Cespedes
Undergraduate student of Systems engineering in Ulacit. I have been a year in Ulacit in which I have taken courses such as: 
  • Electronics, Programation I and II, Files and data structure, Calculus, Probabilities and statistics, others.
Several activies and courses such as:

  •  Hospital de Computadoras in Ulacit.
  • Worked on a project on the ICE, in Human Resources area.

My personal goal is to be a successful engineer with great knowledge about systems area. Also to work on an outstanding company, or being owner of a company.

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