Wednesday, April 18, 2012



    Nowadays internet is one of the most important technologies, it has made our life a lot easier, we can find information, communicate with other people, share music and files, watch a movie, etc. Every year more and more devices are made to use internet in some way, to communicate, update information, to download media content, and others tasks. 

So how does it work?

It is easier to understand it if we look at it like two main components.

This category includes cables, computers, satellites, radios, modems, cellphones, etc. In others words all physical objects.
Each one of these elements is a connection, but we will categorize them in:
  • End point clients:  smartphones, computers, tablets, modems and devices that uses internet and a user uses to navigate in the web, to get updates share media, etc.
  • Servers: machines that have the information we seek in the internet, such as Wikipedia. They have several servers that contain all the information that is in Wikipedia.
  • Nodes: they serve as a connecting point, and can be cables like the modem cables, or signals and radios like Wi-Fi and cellphone towers.

      Protocols are a set of rules that machines follow to complete a task, this is why internet works. Those protocols make devices understand between them, so they talk in the same language. These protocols also provide the methods of communication.

So in the simplest way, the end point clients communicate via nodes to servers, always following the protocols. But to be connected to the internet you need to be connected to an Internet Service Provider like the ICE for example, they are a node that connects you with the rest of the web.


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