Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Development Cycle

Development cycle

Every program has to start somewhere. There is the most basic cycle that we usually use to make a program:

  •  Have an idea
  • Define who is going to be the user
  • Define the environment in which the program will run on.
  • Pick  a language to use.
  • Design to program, doing the basic structure of it and what it will do.
  • Write the program.
  • Test the program yourself and fix errors you discover.
  • Give the program to people who can be a possible user.
  • *With the suggestions and comments that these people will give you, fix errors and implement some of these suggestions.
  •  Release the program, if there are errors repeat the last step given and give updates.*

     Something important as the program itself, is the Documentation, usually programmers do not make programs for themselves or for personal use. Users may need information about the program and how to use it, and some other important information like the limitations and reach of it. 

     Also the documentation is so important to companies or users, so if they want to maintain or improve their systems/programs and hire someone else, those programmers will need to understand what we did and how they will need to work.

    When it comes to proffesional matters, the documentation should be clear, because if the program does not do something that was on the documentation used for the contract, does not do something that was advertised, or is not clear, the company or user can put a demand or generate problems.


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