Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Introduction and Objectives

Welcome to Glenn`s and Eric`s E-Portfolio.

     The purpose and objective of my E-Blog is to try to inform my fellow classmates at least a little about what law school is. You will find information about the new anti tabaco law passed by the Costa Rican Government, about law in the medieval era, the IRAC method, and a little bit about what prescription and expiration means in law.

Law is present in everything, law regulates the lives of human beings daily, it is really important to have at least a notion about what law is, what it does, and how it is made.

     Now, on the other hand, in the systems engineering area my purpose is to inform people about stuff about programming, the development cycle programmers use, how does the internet work and finally the binary code on devices.

    In today's world technology is everywhere and is used to make our life easier. Basically my career consists on programming computers, cellphones and several electronics devices to do a task and have a specific behavior.

    Systems engineering is always implemented or related to others careers such as electronics, or any other career to make a product like calculators, computers, communication devices, translators, compilers, video game consoles, toys, and wide variety of things. So I think is good to know how most devices work since we use them every day like computers, cellphones, and a wide variety of devices.

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